Get Rigol’s Ultra Spectrum Software (worth £140) for free when you buy a or Spectrum Analyser between now and 31st December 2015. Free delivery on all UK Rigol orders. What is Ultra Spectrum? Ultra Spectrum is a software tool that supports the DSA1000 and DSA800 series Spectrum Analysers. This software is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
There are two working modes, the Basic Mode and the Advanced Mode. Ultra Spectrum supports.csv,.jpg,.png,.bmp files. Key features:. Control parameter configuration of the Spectrum Analyser.
Operation and processing of the data acquired from the Spectrum Analyser. Supports.csv,.jpg,.png,.bmp files. Various marker setting functions. Powerful trace display and operation functions.
Peak and valley detection. Various advanced measurement functions. View history spectrum data. Amplitude correction data editing. SCPI Command List and Command Log.
Hi everyone, This is my first message here. I bought new spectrum analyzer Rigol DSA815-TG. I woluld like to unlock Advnced Measurement Kit option. I used webside to generate license key on the basis serial number. The license code is in format RAJ9JBB-N3AWWUS-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx, but I am not able to type this format.
I cannot put '-' (sign of minus) from keypad. When I type license code without sign of minus software returns 'invalid license code'. Firmware of my spectrum analyzer is 00.01.12 and version of boot is 00.01.04.
Is it possible to unlock some options using code generator on? Hi everyone, This is my first message here. I bought new spectrum analyzer Rigol DSA815-TG. I woluld like to unlock Advnced Measurement Kit option. I used webside to generate license key on the basis serial number. The license code is in format RAJ9JBB-N3AWWUS-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx, but I am not able to type this format.
I cannot put '-' (sign of minus) from keypad. When I type license code without sign of minus software returns 'invalid license code'. Firmware of my spectrum analyzer is 00.01.12 and version of boot is 00.01.04. Is it possible to unlock some options using code generator on? Hi everyone, This is my first message here. I bought new spectrum analyzer Rigol DSA815-TG. I woluld like to unlock Advnced Measurement Kit option.
I used webside to generate license key on the basis serial number. The license code is in format RAJ9JBB-N3AWWUS-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx, but I am not able to type this format. I cannot put '-' (sign of minus) from keypad. When I type license code without sign of minus software returns 'invalid license code'.
Firmware of my spectrum analyzer is 00.01.12 and version of boot is 00.01.04. Is it possible to unlock some options using code generator on? Witaj Marcin.
Mamy ten sam problem z kluczem do DSA 815 TG. Niestety na stronie gotroot - otrzymujesz klucz 28 znakowy a zgodnie z informacja RIGOLa ma byc to klucz 24 znakowy - Niestety nie moge znalezc nigdzie informacji oraz instrukcjach o tym jak wpisac 'minus' z klawiatury. Oryginalna instrukcja jest do bani, mase stron typu - ble - ble - ble zamiast konkretow, o licencjach tez praktycznie nic i zadnych przykladow jak prawidlowo to wprowadzac.
Innym slowy typowa:chinska' instrukcja. Ale byc moze jesli udalo by Ci sie wpasc na jakis sposob jak to wpisac lub jak to zdekodowac, chetnie prosze o info. Hi, About Rigol DSA815-TG again. I would like to unlock advanced function option, a special VSWR option.
I used webside to generate license key on the basis serial number like Marcin. The license code is generate in format 28 signs like RAJ9JBB-N3AWWUS-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx, but RIGOL inform that the right licence code is a 24 character code of alphanumerics for DSA 815 like this sample: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX - So I have below questions: 1. Do you know maybe how I can write from edit keypad the '-' (sign of minus)? In my opinion this is impossible! What happen with this licence codes 24 or 28 signs? From what this different?
Mistake on 'gotroot' webside or RIGOL change something in new DSA 815 TG versions? The web 'gotroot' generate the 'Privatekey'? What is this and for what? Many thanks for any concrete help step-by-step! I have a DSA-815TG so also have an interest in this. It is my impression that early model DSA-815 used license codes that were restricted to upper case and numeric characters. This is the restriction on codes for the DS11054Z scope.
Like others, I found that license code generated on line were not valid in the current firmware. I was interested in advanced measurements after the option had expired and I requested and received a new trial from Rigol. The official trial license code includes upper case, lower case, numerals, and a period. It seems that the allowed character set has been expanded. The license code is still 28 characters.